Amanda Cowie celebrates 10 years at Robson Laidler Wealth this month working as a Director and Chartered Financial Planner. Here’s some of her highlights from the past decade…
You started in June 2012, is life as a financial planner been all that you expected?!
Being married to a financial planner, I think I had a good idea what the role entailed but perhaps not the finer details. Prior to starting RL Wealth I had passed all of the exams I needed to advise clients so whilst I had some technical knowledge I had a lot to learn about our investment policy as a firm and actually putting my knowledge into practice! Early on I decided to assist our medical clients with their NHS Pension Scheme and that was a steep learning curve! Actually though, it has exceeded all expectations and that’s because of our lovely clients.
What has been your biggest challenge?
I suppose it was studying for my Chartered exams at a time when our 2 daughters were at “peak busy” swimming, rowing etc. If you had known me back then I was permanently attached to a Chartered Insurance Institute study guide, even around the pool on holiday. I probably wasn’t much fun! More recently I suppose it was closing our office for Covid and moving to working from home. Thankfully Neil and I like each other as we worked in the dining room for a year together. Actually the move to home working went much more smoothly that I had anticipated and our staff and clients adapted well.
How has your role developed over the last 10 years?
We adopted some fantastic financial planning software about 7 years ago and Neil and I guinea-pigged it on our own plans before we inflicted it on our clients. This has completely changed the way we deliver our wealth management service and I’d say that it’s impossible to do this job properly without some kind of cashflow planning software. I have lost count of the times when people have said it’s like a light bulb moment and really helped them engage with their planning in a meaningful way and for some to retire early.
What does your typical day look like?
Usually I have a client meeting on most days so I’ll be preparing for those – meeting clients to review their plans is the best part of this job, also meeting potential new clients. Otherwise being on hand to answer client queries that come up regularly, reviewing our investment funds/researching our ethical portfolios, writing a blog, looking at how any regulatory or tax changes affects our clients. This is such a varied job, no day is the same and time goes very quickly!
Who, in your industry, inspires you?
There is a guy called Nick Murray who is a US-based financial planner and has been in the industry for 50 years. During the pandemic I read his “daily readings,” which was like a bible for financial advisers. He has seen it all before and was able to give me peace of mind that things would improve.
How do you manage to balance life and work?
That’s actually the biggest challenge as I usually have some client issue whirring around my head! I do manage to pack lots in though and enjoy tennis, spinning and yoga every week plus try to fit in a gym visit. I absolutely love travel though and usually my head empties when I get to the airport or into the car.
How would you spend a day off?
Obviously I would say spending it with Neil in some new foreign city having a wander and fabulous lunch! However, as he is on the golf course a lot I’d say Bradley Gardens for lunch with a friend and a visit to Hexham Book Festival. Alternatively playing tennis at Northumberland Club and coffee afterwards in the sunshine.
Can you name a thing that most people don’t know about you?
Neil and I have started learning Italian and we are heading to a language school in Puglia in September. It is definitely much harder than when I was at school!
What do the next 10 years look like?
Continuing to work with my fantastic clients and helping them meet all of their goals. Helping to develop our team so that they are all happy and fulfilled in their careers. On a personal note, lots more travel, fluent in Italian, daughters financially independent (!) and everyone continuing to have good health.
To connect with Amanda Cowie you can view her Linked In profile or email her directly:
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