This week is national Good Divorce Week 2021 (29 Nov – 3 Dec) and here at Robson Laidler Wealth we have also launched a campaign that is all about ensuring financial fairness to help both parties get a ‘good divorce’ with a fair outcome for all.
In support of Good Divorce Week here are some useful resources and materials to help you navigate through this difficult period and aid an amicable separation.
Family relationships have come under immense pressure since the start of the pandemic and we know that the children of parents who separate can find the experience one of the most challenging and impactful of their lives.
Resolution has launched the Parenting-through-separation-guide, a free resource containing information, advice and support to help parents in their parenting journey through separation, divorce and beyond.
During divorce it is also really important not to overlook pensions. We know that divorce is one of the most stressful and painful times people go through. Adding pensions into the mix can be daunting, but not dealing with pensions can be a huge mistake. People often avoid or overlook them because they seem complicated. We want to help you deal with the pensions in your case effectively, and with as little stress as possible.
A survival guide to pensions on divorce will help you work out what to do, what the law says on pension sharing or splitting and how to come to an agreement. It also tells you what other help is out there so you can plan for the future.
Divorce can be a costly exercise, especially if a couple have multiple financial assets to consider as they approach retirement. It’s often women who feel the financial burden from a later life divorce.
So here is a guide that supports women in later life divorce: Findingfinancialfairnessinlaterlifedivorce
If you have any questions about any of these resources or would like a supportive and confidential chat about your divorce please contact us.