Positive Difference
As a B Corp we absolutely believe in Business Being a Force for Good and it’s important for us to carry on a bit of “cheerleading” in this area. Every month we highlight content, which showcases the positive difference businesses are making together with data and insights on how to create a better world.
In a survey by McKinsey in 2019, whilst 82% of employees agreed that it is important to have purpose, only 62% of their organisations actually had a purpose statement and of those only 42% felt that their organisation’s purpose statements had actual impact.
Whether you are reappraising an existing purpose or designing one for the first time, have a look at this article to make sure your purpose is alive, authentic, and impactful.
Professional Services
In this insightful article, Charles Wookey makes an impassioned plea to the professional services industry (strategists, lawyers, accountants and others) to help businesses commit to a purpose beyond profit. He suggests professional services firms (like us), should look to use our collective expertise and agency for good in a world, which is in such need of healing and hope? Furthermore he asks how professional services businesses can create true partnerships with our clients, bringing our expertise and insights where relevant in a way that genuinely assists and empowers them to make the transition they need, guided by strong values and a shared purpose to benefit society?
Steve Waygood has always been fascinated by the power of money to change the world. For the last 15 years, he has worked for Aviva Investors, where he founded its Global Responsible Investment team as well as its Sustainable Finance Centre for Excellence, which seeks to transform capital markets so that they become more sustainable. At 7:30pm on Wednesday 23rd February 2022 he is doing an online talk on Capitalism and Climate Change: Rethinking Finance So That It Delivers, Not Destroys, the Paris Agreement. Book here.
Based on the latest research, here are 10 Keys to Happier Living that consistently tend to make life happier and more fulfilling.
And finally…
Learn more about our B Corp Journey.
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