As a wealth management firm whose purpose is to ‘Make a positive difference to people’s lives’, we recently invited our clients to take part in global survey of investors run by Dimensional, an investment manager we work with.

The results from the survey help us to develop our services to more effectively meet our clients’ needs and objectives.

One of the key measurements recorded by the survey was our Net Promoter Score (NPS).

The NPS measures customer experience and provides the best metric to anchor customer experience management.

This metric, allows clients to rank us from 1 to 10. Those that score us 9 and 10 are categorised as promoters. Those that score us 7 and 8 are passive and those that rank us 6 or below are detractors.

The Net Promoter Score is calculated as the difference between the percentage of Promoters and Detractors.

The formula used is:

Promoter % – Detractor % = NPS (you ignore Passive responses)

E.g. if 60% of responses are 9s & 10s and 30% are 6 or less the NPS = 30

In financial services a score of > 30 is considered good and a score of >50 is great.

Apple, perhaps the world’s most loved company, scored 54 in a recent survey.

Our result?

We are delighted with our NPS of 62 , putting us into the top ‘great’ category!  Yet we are continually striving to improve it even further.

Next year we will focus on getting even closer to our clients and people, listening to what they want from a wealth advisor and how we can develop our customer experience and offerings further to help you reach your financial goals.

Talk to us here.