Tag Archives: tax advice north east

11 reasons to do your tax return before the deadline

tax return

11 reasons to do your tax return before the deadline   Nobody likes to do tax returns, but there are actually some pretty good reasons to do your tax return before the deadline and get it out of the way.     1. Avoid Last-Minute Stress: Getting it done well […]

High Income Child Benefit Charge (HICBC) Updates: What You Need to Know

child benefit

High Income Child Benefit Charge (HICBC) Updates: What You Need to Know   Starting from 6 April 2024, significant changes to the High Income Child Benefit Charge (HICBC) have been introduced. These updates could reduce your tax burden and bring welcome financial relief to many families. Here’s a breakdown of […]

Labour Party’s Tax Plans

Following Keir Starmer’s recent appointment as Prime Minister, we would like to provide you with a summary of the Labour Party’s main tax plans, which we are aware of. With so many claims and counterclaims made by all political parties in the run-up to the General election, it may be […]

YouTubers and Influencer tax


Tax On Social Media Earnings Increasingly more and more people are turning to YouTube and other social media platforms to supplement their existing income, or to start a new career. There are many considerations you need to make when moving into this field, such as what type of content will […]

eXtortion / Extortion – ransom payments


The question is:  Are ransom payments made by a business to access its IT systems tax deductible? Everyday more and more news reports highlight the threat ransomware and cyber terrorism impose on our institutions and businesses.  Workplaces are increasingly dependent upon IT systems and infrastructure and data breaches have a […]



In the UK, dividend waivers are a mechanism that allow a shareholder to give up their right to receive a dividend payment from a company. This can be done for a variety of reasons, such as, to reduce the company’s tax liability or to distribute profits in a more tax-efficient […]

Van tax

van tax

Most people are aware that if you get a company car as part of your employment, the car will create a taxable benefit in kind. The employer is probably not going to be able to recover any VAT on its purchase either because HMRC will usually view that it is […]

Tax Planning

year end tax planning

The UK tax year runs from 6 April to 5 April of the following year. Here are some end of year tax planning tips: Make use of ISA’s – these accounts allow you to save and invest tax-free so consider making use of your ISA allowance before the end of […]

Property Tax legislation

property tax

Over the last few years there have been numerous changes to tax legislation relating to residential properties. We thought it would be a good idea to have a quick reminder on the main areas you need to consider. Capital Gains Tax Reporting regime UK residents who sell their UK residential […]

Do I need to register, or remain registered, for VAT?

do I need to register for VAT?

Of the many tax obligations people must consider, one of them is whether you need to become registered for VAT. VAT is chargeable on: any supply of goods or services; made in the UK; where it is a taxable supply; made by a taxable person; in the course of furtherance […]