Category Archives: Blog

Robson Laidler gets North East Flight Academy off the ground

North East Flight Academy

Lord John Stevens of Kirkwhelpington, Northumberland has partnered with a North East pilot to launch their own in-flight training school. The North East Flight Academy, based at Newcastle International Airport, has been financed by Lord Stevens, a keen pilot himself, who has teamed up with Ben Harrison, 25 from Whitley […]

How to keep your head during Brexit induced investment market volatility


As the old Chinese curse has it: “May you live in interesting times”. With Brexit negotiations ongoing, it’s certainly interesting times in British politics, with likely consequences for investment markets.   There’s still a great deal of uncertainty over the outcome of Brexit. The anticipated ‘decisive vote’ has been postponed, […]

Amanda gains much sought after later life accreditation

Amanda Cowie gains accreditation

Robson Laidler Wealth Director Amanda Cowie has recently received an accreditation from the Society of Later Life Advisers (SOLLA).  There are only three other Independent Financial Advisers in Northumberland and Tyne & Wear who hold this. The Later Life Advisers Accreditation has now become established as the industry standard of […]

How serious are you about building your credibility?

How serious are you about building your credibility?

How to build credibility in your business? When you watch a movie, you can almost believe anything on-screen, because it’s not real life, it’s fantasy. The skills of the characters in the movie, ‘The Incredibles’ for example – we know that people cannot lift cars, move faster than a speeding […]


Making Tax Digital Image

It is now six months until Making Tax Digital (MTD) kicks in. So here at Robson Laidler Accountants we are ready to guide you. WHAT IS MTD? MTD is a government initiative to bring the tax system online. It means linking business accounts through to HMRC’s systems in an automatic […]

Why Xero and not any other?

Why Xero?

Xero…what makes it great?   (Short version)  Everything!  (Extended version)  It starts right back from the founder and his vision to make a platform to allow ‘beautiful business’.  The motive is quite simple, it helps you take control of the numbers, so you can focus on what you do best.    It […]