Tag Archives: ESG Investments

Am I invested in Russia?

Russian Investments

A very good question a few of our clients have been asking recently is; “Am I invested in Russia?” You may be aware that we provide both our mainstream and ESG (you might call them ethical) portfolios.  The former takes a low cost market approach and the latter has been […]

Good Money Week 2021 – What is a ‘good’ investment?

Good Money Week

It’s Good Money Week this week, so you may be asking, “What does ‘good’ mean for my investments?” Great question and one we’ve been chatting to our existing and new clients about for a few years’ now and why we developed some alternative portfolios to take specific client values into […]

It’s Good Money Week. But what is sustainable and responsible investment?

Good Money Week

What is sustainable and responsible investment? Over the past few years Robson Laidler has been looking at how we as a firm can make a difference.  To name a few, we are partners in the global B1G1 Business for Good community that supports the UN with its global sustainable development […]

ESG investing – a new normal?

ESG Investing

Over the last year we have been having more conversations around ESG investing – where fund priorities are based on environmental, social, and governance issues. There has always been a small number of individuals who have specifically mentioned that they wish for a particular area to be excluded from their […]