Tag Archives: financial planning jesmond

Financial Planning Life Stages: Entering adulthood and first job

financial future

Chartered Financial Planners Neil and Amanda Cowie explain the benefits of financial planning through every life stage, no matter what your financial circumstances are. This vlog (Benefits of financial planning through every life stage) starts by looking at the issues affecting those who are entering adulthood and perhaps just beginning […]

NHS Pension – exit planning tips

NHS pension exit

In 2019 Robson Laidler Wealth wrote a blog entitled NHS Pensions – handy hints to plan your exit   This has been one of our team’s most viewed blogs yet since 2019 there have been a few changes, which you should be aware of.  One thing that hasn’t changed and […]

When should I start planning my retirement?

planning retirement

Whether you are a busy professional, medic or business owner, the simple answer to the question, “when should I start planning my retirement?” is – now! It’s never too early. If you organise your life now you will minimise stress for yourself and your family in future.   Holiday season […]

Parents financial planning for university

university planning for parents

If your offspring are flying the nest next month to university you’ve probably got mixed feelings. You may feel happy for them but wondering if you’ll feel bereft/glad that you won’t be getting woken up at 3am when they come home from the nightclub.   You’ve probably also done most […]

Business owners – how to prioritise your personal plans

business owner

We’ve met lots of business owners recently who are still working hard well into their 60’s.  This is typically because they love what they do.  But also it’s because they haven’t had a chance to consider making plans.  They are too busy!   So, why should you take your foot […]

How can I look after my employees’ financial wellbeing?

financial wellbeing

In these tricky times, how do you as an employer remain profitable whilst trying to look after the wellbeing of your employees? Many employers ask us what an acceptable level of employee benefits is and of course this has to fit within their budget.   The pension Since around 2012, […]

Financial Planning for GPs

GP financial planning

GPs need to focus on their future financial planning just like the rest of us. Most GPs we talk to are working long hours in addition to patients with Covid, they are dealing with the fall out of long Covid, mental health issues exacerbated by the pandemic and also those […]

Financial planning for later life

retirement smile

Financial planning – Why it’s better for your money to outlive you? When we put together a financial plan, we use a mortality of age 100 because we don’t want you to run out of money. We also use a financial planning forecasting tool to help you “see” your financial […]

What is Financial Independence Day?

financial independance

There is a “movement” doing the rounds at the moment, FIRE, “Financial Independence Retire Early”.  It’s based on the bestseller “Playing with FIRE” by Scott Rieckens. Scott was so fed up with his life he decided to quit the rat race, cut his expenses in half so that he could […]

When can I retire? Do you know your “magic number”?

magic number

I was having coffee with friends, in those pre-lockdown halcyon days, and one asked “when do you think you will retire?” My answer is always the same “when my pension and investments reach the magic number!”  Obviously my magic number is personal!  But I 100% know what it is and […]