Amanda Cowie celebrates 10 years at Robson Laidler Wealth this month working as a Director and Chartered Financial Planner. Here’s some of her highlights from the past decade… You started in June 2012, is life as a financial planner been all that you expected?! Being married to a financial […]
Tag Archives: wealth
At Robson Laidler Wealth we know a great client relationship is built on transparency and trust and with that in mind we thought we would delve into the lives of our advisers, to find out more about them and their daily routine at work and to help you get to […]
If you have a UK pension then you may need to be aware of three important changes that were announced in the recent Autumn Budget: No 1. The change to the age that you can take an income from an invested pension. We’ve been mentioning this to our clients […]
The following article from Dimensional is food for thought about investor behaviour as global equity markets are at or near all-time highs: KEY TAKEAWAYS Financial journalists periodically stoke investors’ record-high anxiety by suggesting the laws of physics apply to financial markets—that what goes up must come down. But […]
In a recent global study* the question “What do you value in the relationship you have with your financial adviser?” The results were: Given what we are going through at the moment you might say that this is pretty obvious. However these results were similar pre-pandemic. So, how do you […]
Everyday it seems I’m getting queries from clients asking whether they can buy individual shares through the investment accounts that we manage. These queries are likely to be generated as a result of the sizeable gains seen in some stock prices since last March after the pandemic effects took […]
The coronavirus pandemic has been a wake-up call for many of us in various senses, but especially when it comes to finances. That’s why the theme of this year’s Good Money Week is ‘Clean Slate Green Slate’, encouraging people to consider green investment options, particularly as nearly 40% of us […]
To round off with the Financial Planning Week blog posts from our team, Director and Chartered Financial Planner Amanda Cowie gives her thoughts on financial planning when you are nearing 50!… If, like me, you are getting near your “special” birthday you maybe can’t believe that you are at […]
Our sister company Robson Laidler Accountants and Tax Advisers have scheduled a Webinar Wednesday 9 September on “Cashflow Management”. This event is for business owners and you can contact if you would like to attend. But what about our own, personal cash reserves? Whilst the last 6 months have […]
For many of us, the last few months have been about ticking some long-awaited jobs off a list. Even for those still working it’s amazing how much time has been freed up when we haven’t got the usual distractions like a social life for instance. At the start of this […]
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